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An attempt was made

While I wasn't busy doing nothing today I decided to go through some of my stuff. There is quite a lot of it and I'm pretty sure I would do just fine without majority of it.

I like getting rid of those extra things. But at the same  I'm a collector at heart. It's not that easy to get rid of, well, basically anything.

Anyway, despite knowing this I did go through couple of cabins. Weeding out everything that had become obsolete. Trying to get rid of as much junk as possible. It wasn't a great success at the end. I found possible uses for almost everything.

In the end I managed to fill almost two full plastic bags with that stuff. So it wasn't such a big failure after all. Maybe I just need to do it often enough if every time I get a bit more stuff thrown away. As it seems my ability to throw things away is limited to the most useless ones come while going through all that stuff. So every time I do there will still be the most useless things among them.

 I'm just worried those things will be replaced with new ones before I have the inspiration to go through all of it again.
