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Neverending rewrite

I'm yet to finalize the ongoing rewrite for Writestreak to switch from the realtime database to firestore. After that I think most of the original code would be gone. But as I'm trying to finish this round I've already started looking for some new alternatives for various parts of the stack. In addition to that there is also the new and upcoming official suggessor for the framework I'm currently using.

Due to being stuck with the rewrite blues there hasn't been much happening on the site and it's features. I've even postponed the deployment of couple of features that have been ready for quite some time already.

It might be the inevitable fate of the hobby projects. In the beginning everything is exciting and new but that excitement fades out fast. There isn't either the urgency of getting something released after the basics have been laid out.

There are also the user expectations: you can't change too much anymore because they are already accustomed to the way the site works and looks. Bigger sites have fallen after coming up with renewed look and feel or just altering some core features.