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Shooting stars

We call the small meteors burning up in our atmosphere shooting stars. But out there, far away in our galaxy there are actual stars hurling through the space. Not the kind of coordinated hurling most of the stars do around the galaxy, but in random directions due to some ancient catastrophic events involving black holes and galaxies colliding that have slingshot these masses on their path. The path that in some cases can lead them to leave the galaxy itself.

Some of these rogue stars can pass our own solar systems "atmosphere", the Oort cloud. Last time this happened only 70 000 years ago when the Scholz's star passed our solar system as close as 0,8 lightyears distance. It has since sped away from us at 80km/s and is now already 22 lightyears away. The speed in which the movement of the star should have already been noticeable during a lifetime.

In just 1,2 to 1,5 million years we could witness even more grandiose spectacle when the Gliese 710 will pass us at the distance of only around 0,2 lightyears. The distance close enough to perturbate the orbits of the objects in the Oort cloud.