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No streak, just habit

Since I broke my daily exercising streak a bit over a month ago I haven't gotten back up with that streak. I didn't give up exercising, but I also didn't want to stress about it every day. I have still plenty of ongoing streaks from the original 10 for that.

Not having an ongoing streak hasn't meant I haven't been exercising during the past month or so. Actually, since the break I have only skipped four days. So I don't need the streak to get that done (almost) every day. It has become such a strong habit for me that I don't need the streak to enforce it anymore. At the same time I don't have to worry about skipping a day. Not everything have to be something I have commited for doing every single day.

I'm still continuing with the remaining nine streaks, aiming to reach one year each. Currently four of them have been going for over a year already. The shortest one is just 53 days away from a full year.

After that, I think I'm going to take a day to break them all. Well, almost all... never going to break the writing streak!