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Social yearning

Now that I have gone "out there" I once again feel that I should see people more often. Foe the past few months I've noticed I had become rather reluctant towards any social activities and would rather opt to stay home even of there has already been more possibilities to such things.

When the pandemic and first lockdown started I realized I do miss those social gatherings. When they were suddenly taken away it felt bad no matter how introverted I might be. But after the extended period of time with very limited interaction with anybody outside my immediate circle I got used to the solitude once again. It was comforting to not need to go out. So much that when the opportunities then came I rejected them.

Yesterday was a great reminder why it's important to get back out there. It was a great day. And not just because of the reasons I listed yesterday, but the fact that I actually felt great after all those social situations. Yes, I was still tired, but somehow at the same time I was also energized.