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Broken streak, finally!

A while ago I reached an one year streak with 10 9 daily tasks. At that point I decided I didn't want to continue with all of them. While beneficial, it was sometimes stressful to complete them all in a single day. The purpose was to break them (almost) all on purpose soon after that one year mark.

In the end I couldn't bring myself into doing it. I just kept going. There wasn't a real reason not to. I had become so accustomed to all those habits they just completed themselves automatically.

Until yesterday. Being away from home has always been the hardest time to keep up with all those tasks. Not being able to follow daily routines makes it challenging to complete some of them. As we were staying over at my in-laws this was my chance. Out of the routines, out with the streaks.

So I just went ahead, bot worrying about all but the most important streak - the writing. On the first day I wasn't that successful, I somehow still managed to complete all 9. Yesterday, towards the end of the day I still had two tasks uncompleted. I had a short urge to complete them as well. But eventually I got over it and managed to break those two.

I'm down to 7 streaks now. Still tracking the others, just not counting the streaks. Let's see how long it takes for me to break the remaining 6.