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Smart home

Looking for a new home has made me think about all the thinks how to make the new home smarter. There are so many possibilities, but there are also the threats. I don't want to install updates to the lighting system first thing in the morning before I can turn on the light. I don't either want to give "access" to my home to outsiders through connected devices with vulnerabilities or outright backdoors.

The "smart" home I want to build is about smart design. I want functionality and practicality. Things need to work right, even without electricity.

Achieving this might need some level of renovations. I doubt anybody has build an apartment complying with my requirements. Or at least complying with our taste at the same time.

On the other hand we don't want to do big renovations. That would be easier doing everything from the scratch on some older apartment that has been left mostly to it's original state, like a blank canvas.

Maybe there is the good enough compromise out there waiting for us. Something that isn't too far from the ideal and can be adjusted to be close enough without too much effort.