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The post I can't write

I have something I really want to write about, but can't. Not yet as things need to happen in order. It's going to be long two and a half weeks before we are there. And that is only if everything goes as planned.

There are things I can't, or want to write about. But those are usually things I also don't want to write about. Things I have contractual obligations to not to talk about or personal things that don't belong to anybody outside the persons they concern.

But this is something that is none of those things. It's just something I'm allowed to know before everybody else. Something I'm really excited about. Something that had me make a big decision.

Maybe I should stop here before I give too many clues for those who can piece together all the information. But even then, I can't confirm nor deny anything before the time has come.

Luckily I have one person I can talk about this...