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Black Friday week

It's that time of the year again: the black Friday. Except it's not about the Friday anymore. The "black" season seems to be getting longer and longer every year. There is no hurry getting all those great deals. Even those that the shops advertise will be available for subscribers earlier so you can ensure you get one before the stock runs out. (It never does).

One thing that is still tied to that particular Friday is it's anti event: the buy nothing day. Makes it easier to participate in both and keep "clean conscience" while enjoying the great prices.

Unfortunately the deals aren't that good when you take a closer look. This year I was looking forward benefitting the deals as we have a lot to buy for our new home. Sure not being so picky we could get a lot out of the deals. But it seems it's just another clearance sale for last years models or other stuff that doesn't sell for regular price (usually for a reason). They only sell because of the feeling of urgency and those huge percentage numbers shown under the black Friday banners.