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Stay true to yourself

My youngest child is turning 19 today. I can't believe it has already been so long since I first time held them in my arms.

I'm really proud of them. They are the most real person I know. There was a time they went through the phase trying to fit in and wear whatever was the current trend. It was not for them, they were not comfortable trying to be something they were not.

It didn't last long though until they found the courage to to be who they truly are. I'm happy they have found their true self and dare to live as themself instead of trying to pretend just to fit in to the norms and expectations of others.

They are also the most caring person I know. Always taking care of their friends, loved ones and everyone around them. I just hope they also remember to take care of themself.

I'm glad being able to offer them safe and supportive life and happy how they turned out to be as a person. It's also not an one way street. They have also made me a better person in the process.

Happy birthday my little one!