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Gifts of the wind

One of my favourite things to do as we arrived to our cottage when I was kid was the treasure hunt. I would sprint to the beach as fast I could straight from the car. Walking our beach end to end (and a bit of neighbouring too) looking for all the things the wind had brought there.

Most of the stuff found was quite mundane: feathers, planks and other "interesting" pieces of wood, pieces of string and so forth. Rocks too, of course not brought by the wind, but exposed from under the beach sand.

On rare occasion I would get really lucky. The wind would have carried over beach toys from some unlucky kids on the opposing beach. Sometimes I also found a few fishing lures and the grand prize was when there was this huge inner tyre from a tractor. For years it remained my favourite inflatable beach toy to spend time floating on the waves.

I don't think the wind is so bountiful these days. I don't remember seeing such treasures washing on our beach anymore. Seems most of it is just trash people have thrown away.