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First snow

We got our first snow yesterday! It's not much and probably won't stay on the ground long at this time of the year yet. But it's still nice to have some whiteness in the middle of the darkest time of the year.

It was apparent that the snow surprised many drivers once again. Not me! I had the tires changed well in advance. One of the best benefits of the friction tires indeed. I'm sure many others have beem in trouble this morning and won't get relief soon enough. The lines for changing must be long and it's probably hard to get reservation. There is also shortage of people wanting to do that job at the moment. The younger generation don't want to get their hands dirty and nobody probably values such a seasonal job.

The panic might be overstatement with that amount of snow. The streets are mostly free of snow anyway quite fast and it's only slippery on the less driven areas. The sidewalks however could be quite slippery.

There also isn't enough snow for any of the "snow" activities. For that we probably need to wait another month or two.