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Passing the torch

Everything that has beginning, has an end.

The time has come. I never thought this day would come - for two reasons. When I started my streak eight years ago I never imagined I could go on this long. But once I got started and formed the habit it came as unimaginable that I would ever stop.

Eight years

Today is the day! I have successfully written daily for eight years. It's almost time to stop. After thinking about the right day to break my streak I decided the anniversary of my streak would be the day. Just feels right that way rather than stopping at exactly eight years. Besides, that leaves the right to legitimately say I wrote for over eight years.

Completing sets

Besides the them itself I've always liked those old LEGO castle sers because of the ability to attach different sets together to build even bigger castles. Now that I have all the sets (even multiples of some sets) I have been finally able to fulfil one of my childhood dreams.

When to stop

Breaking my streak at exactly 8 years isn't that simple as it sounds. Technically, this is already my 2920th post. That's 8 times 365, eight years if you take a year as 365 days. Of course that is not exactly true, you need to account for the leap days into the math. A year is 365, 25 days (a bit less than that actually as the leap years don't exactly happen every four years either). So over the span of eight years I need to add two more days.

Last morning

The fateful day is getting closer. Only two days left. Today is once again one of those days when I have to think forward to ensure I don't miss my daily writing sue having some activity in the evening that might hinder my ability to write then. But at the same time this is the last time I need to worry about such things.

From flaw to art

One reason why I did my latest ad hoc music project instead of finishing any of the other unfinished ones was the latest update on the service I use to create generate the music. While it promised (and delivers) better quality and more complex tunes it has this flaw that almost every song it generates has an annoying background noise, a discord that is barely audible, but drives me mad when I hear it.

Another album

Just finished my second album (well actually it's 3rd, but the first one I never publicly released). This one wasn't as serious project as the last one and for example I used a lot more the help of the A.I. for lyrics writing as well. Falls more on the "for fun" category as well.

Blooming sales

I finally got around to start listing my extra LEGO sets I have managed ro pit together from the hauls I have acquired. Until now I have only sold a few sets here and there when I've had something I know is more valuable and sought after. But I have been piling up more than a hundred sets that I need to start getting rid of too. They are just raking too much space.

Christmas is soon upon us

Despite all the jingle bells playing in stores and radio over a month already and stores stocked with Christmas products it still surprises me that the it's only just over two weeks till Christmas.

There is always plenty of preparations needed before. Not the least are the presents. It would be bad if I'd had to start thinking about those at this point. There is still time, sure. But it could be stressful if I wouldn't have everything already sorted out on that front.

Less than 10 days

It's getting closer, the end of my streak. Just a bit over a week and it's done. Somehow this feels harder than the first 10 days. Of course that was a long time ago so my memory might be a bit vague on those details back then.

Getting closer and when hitting the bad day it would be easy to kust make the break earlier. Why write of I'm going to break it anyway in a few days? I could just quit now. But the habit (and addiction) still kicks in. The words start flowing out and I het my fix.

Writing without a streak

I have been convincing ro myself that I don't care about the streak. That I write because I like it, because I have something to say. But the truth is it's the streak and the fear of breaking it that has kept me going.

Giving myself a relief from the pressure and obligation will definitely change things. You would imagine after eight years everything has already be written. Trust me, some days it feels like it. I've had to come up with something to write from the bottom of the barrel. Some of those post could very well had been left unwritten.

Wrapped for artists

Spotify releases their Spotify wrapped each year around this time. It's always nice to see such statistics and it also gives me a throwback through the year as rhe songs I have played around rhe year bring back memories from those times.

Now that I'm also a "verified artist" I learned that there is wrapped for artists as well. It gives statistics from the other side - how people have been listening my music.

On my own terms

Deciding to break my streak still feels like a good idea. Not only will it remove the pressure I feel to having ro write every day, but it also removes the fear of failure. I could keep going and end up breaking the streak at some point by accident, or due circumstances. But that would be a failure despite my earlier decision not to care about the streak. It's still something I'm trying ro keep up.

Difference between habit and addiction

One reason, the main reason why I'm planning to break my streak is that I feel the habit has become an addiction. I'm no longer keeping up this habit - it is keeping me.

Keeping up the streak gives me anxiety. I just can't miss the daily writing. It forces me to think ahead to make sure I have time and place to write. It makes me withdraw when I'm in the company of others. It dictates my days.

Final countdown

In two weeks I will hit the eight year mark on my writing streak. I have been thinking of breaking my streak for some time now. In the end I decided to at least get to that next big milestone. It would be a good time to stop writing daily. It would feel wrong to just stop at some arbitrary point. Although then I wouldn't be that far from 3000 posts.

Meaning in numbers

Today, while I was drinking water I noticed a series of numbers on the bottom of the glass. It looked familiar. Sure I've drank from that glass countless times so it could as well have been just that - recognizing a number I have seen many times before. But it bothered me, and after a short thought I recalled it being a number of a LEGO set I was recently building.

Contemporary fashion

It's funny to watch old shows where they (try) to make fun of fashion of the previous decades. Sure, it worked at the time, but watching those same shows now is nothing but "making fun" of earlier styles. Of course those shows exaggerated those past styles to make it more apparent and humorous whereas they were considered trend setters for their own time.

Creative boundaries

LEGO can be considered as a building sets for certain models. Some models even come with a few alternative models you can build from the pieces. Back in the old days this was quite common, but nowadays even those sets have been separated under their own subtheme.

Of course the main draw of LEGO is the creative freedom. You don't have to follow those instructions and be limited to building just that one (or few) sets. You can build almost anything and combine different sets into something new.
