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Race to the last page

There are very few books I have left unfinished, but there are books when I have seriously contemplated to just stop reading them. Usually it just runs into trying ro churn pages as fast as possible to get through it and look for something else ro read next. Few times getting past the first few hundred pages of boring text has paid of and the book has actually ended in my top list.

Expanding offer

Finding a right niche in the markets has it's benefits. Excelling in that area and making a name for yourself can give a good standing for a business but it also has it's limitations. Once you have gained substantial market share there isn't that much growth potential left.

Second moon

Towards the end of this month we will get a new (temporary) moon to orbit pur planet. The asteroid 2024 PT5 will be trapped momentarily to earth's gravitational field and do one rotation around our planet before returning back to the Arjuna asteroid belt where it originated.

The rotation will take just a bit less than two months, but unfortunately suring that time we won't be able to enjoy an unusual spectacular stellar view. The asteroid is only a few meters across and not visible to the naked eye. Not even for the most expensive telescopes a normal person can buy.

When the stars align

Earlier this year our old meeting room reservation displays started to show their age. After the third one stopped working we made the decision to get new ones. It's not that we couldn't have gotten new one earlier, but one of our core values is sustainability so we tend to try to use the technology as long as it remains usable instead of replacing it too often with the latest and greatest tech.

Extreme weather

This year has been quite a year breaking different weather records. During the winter we got some really cold periods, the summer was hottest in the recorded history and now this month has already been outstanding in both hear and rain.

We are just half way through the month and we already got the warmest September in our history, setting the record for days with temperature rising over 25 degrees Celsius. That heat wave was followed by heavy rains which in some areas poured down more water in two days than in average years comes down during the whole month.

Too much to choose?

With the abundance of entertainment available for us today it has become hard to decide what to watch. Trying to watch everything is just too much, or couldn't even be possible even if I would be willing to sacrifice all my spare time to do so. But the fear of missing out is also there. What if miss something I would have greatly enjoyed?

End of summer?

Usually this time of the year it's already far in the autumn, but this year has been different. With the record breaking warmth we have been enjoying a really long summer. Now, for the past few days it has finally been a more proper autumn weather with wind and rain. Yet it has still been a vit warmer than usually around this time of the year.

Of course this can be temporary as well. There could still be a few warm days ahead. But the weather is inevitably changing. It was great while it lasted.

Personal chauffeur

My son just got his driver's license today. While he could have applied for it already 5 years ago, until now he didn't really feel the need for it living in a vig city where the public transportation actually works. Now, he has been thinking of moving back to here more "rural" area and the car is quite a bit more useful (and needed) around here. The last bit was a work assignment he got offered that also required him to have the licence.

Ambiguous naming

Today I received one of the final missing sets in my LEGO castle collection. Of course the castle theme is quite wast spanning multiple decades and subthemes and I have no intention (at least for now) to collect them all.

Modular castles

One of the most prominent features of the early 80's LEGO castle sets was their modularity. You could attach different models together to make a bigger castle. Really taking the LEGO concept a step further when you can build your own creations out of the sets themselves, not just from the bricks they consist of.

Autumn falls

Even though it has been quite warm lately (record breaking so) it's still starting to feel more and more like autumn. Despite days being still hot the nights are getting colder and the darkness is also falling earlier every evening.

The most notable sign of autumn is however the leaves. Around here the trees are still green, but there are already yellow fallen leaves on the ground that tels that the summer is over.

How far I have gotten

Having another year added to my age made me think how far I have gotten during all these years... literally. Just the normal daily commutes, going to school, grocery trips and such accumulate many kilometers over nearly half a century. All the trips I've made, while I haven't done that many really long trips contribute some more. Let's say on average these might add up to a half a million kilometres. That's a lot until you realize those distances diminish compared to the cosmic scale we all travel throughout our lifetime.

Hanging out with colleagues

I had two of my colleagues visiting me yesterday just to hang out for the evening. It's nice being able to invite people over whenever I want. When we were still living together with my wife it wasn't really possible as she didn't feel comfortable having people she didn't know visiting. It was a mutual feeling as I felt awkward as well when her friends or colleagues visited.

Oh, to be rich

I don't need millions and I'm actually doing quite well of monetarily there are still things I can't comfortably afford. Maybe it's just one of the constant of life that no matter what you get you always want a bit more.

While I have been thinking of finding a new home I've realized that for my budget I would need to give up some of the criterias for my dream home. Or then I would need to spend all my money just for living.

LotR marathon

Watching all the Lord of the Ring movies' extended editions is a famous movie marathon which every Tolkien fan should complete at least once. With the total running time of almost 12 hours it quite a stretch but well worth it.

Today I will be sitting through not-so-long yet still enduring 4+ hours marathon when I have a chance to see a theatretical adaptation of this masterpiece. My youngest one arranged us tickets for the play as an early birthday present.

Songs without music

One of the challenges making new music has turned into coming up with the lyrics. The music part with the generative tools available today is so easy. Sure it's alao possible to just generate the lyrics as well, but I find those not so great. It's still great help in refining the lyrics I write myself, but giving the whole task to an A.I. doesn't produce satisfying results.


Today is the firat day of september. The year again has turned to it's final third. Time really flies. It feels like the year just started. The first half of the year went like a breeze although the summer feels it lasted quite long due it being rather eventful.

Four more months and this year too will be over. Just when I have finally started to accept we are living the year 2024. Better to start preparing for the 25 already.

Holding together with tape

My back pain didn't ease as fast as it appeared so I had to contact physiotherapist. After going through the standard pattern of questions she got a good picture of what was going on.

After the short lecture of the importance of stretching, good posture and overall taking care of my body she gave me some guidance on how to stretch and medicate myself to get my back functioning again.
