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The communication apparatus

When talking about the dystopian features of our time the de facto references are Brave new world by Aldous Huxley and Nineteen Eighty-four by George Orwell. While they have their resemblances in modern times luckily either of them have realized even if they both got some things scarily to the point.

What they are mostly remembered is the individuals relation to the state: the control and suppression. A great addition to this duality is a much earlier work. Almost five decades before these classics were born a short story The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster introduced two even scarier visions for humankind.

In the story humankind is living in isolation. From each others as well as from the nature. They are only connected through the speaking apparatus. And it's not like this separation is out of necessity or enforced in some way. People can leave any time they want. They can travel freely. But most choose not to. The Machine provides them with everything.

As with the everwatching Big Brother or the endless stream of meaningless entertainment to amuse ourself to death this disconnection is also an alarming trend today. The Machine is watching, entertaining and feeding us,a providing everything we need. And we are choosing to allow it.
