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Open the pod bay doors EVA

Today we opened the doors to our spaceship to general public. We didn't promote the event that much (besides to our friends, families and colleagues, who mostly came already yesterday). We only had the event posted on a local events listing page. Of course we also had all the media coverage we have gotten from all the major news outlets.

We expected some people to show up, maybe a few hundreds or so. But as the event started and the first batches of visitors were already full we had to readjust those expectations. At the end of the day, after 14 batches of 60-80 people we only had the final slot not entirely full. The total number of visitors at the end of the day was 890!

That's pretty close to the maximum visitors we could have taken. The tours lasted half an hour and the people were divided into 4 groups during each tour. Even with those numbers there was some waiting happening between the groups to get to the next room so we couldn't have taken any more groups. The 20 person per group was also pretty much the maximum out guides could handle at once and some rooms were also a bit cramped with so many people there at once. The half an hour was also barely enough to quickly go through most of our rooms and we really didn't have any downtime between the tours. In theory, if all the groups would have been at max 20 person capacity we could theoretically have taken about a two hundred more visitors max.

*EVA is the name of our in-game virtual A.I. assistant




Roadmap Adagia Lifelog