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Final run

Today the third and final run of our game will start. It has been hectic time building, running, resetting and repairing the "ship" over the past few weeks. If everything goes as planned and there are no issues during the final run today was my last day visiting the site before we start to tear down everything next week.

It has been a wild ride,. Combined with all the other things I have had to do during this time I really haven't had much free time. Quite a vacation indeed. But hearing all the feedback from players and visitors definitely has made it worthwhile. Today, once more I was there hearing the first reactions of our latest players about our set. They are so excited to just be there. And the game hasn't even started yet.

It will be sad times to start tearing everything down next week. But it will also be a relief - no more stressing about the systems or anything. Only the memories will remain... until next time.