Having another year added to my age made me think how far I have gotten during all these years... literally. Just the normal daily commutes, going to school, grocery trips and such accumulate many kilometers over nearly half a century. All the trips I've made, while I haven't done that many really long trips contribute some more. Let's say on average these might add up to a half a million kilometres. That's a lot until you realize those distances diminish compared to the cosmic scale we all travel throughout our lifetime.
While we move at the surface (or a little bit, relatively, above), the surface of earth is also moving around it's axis. At equator it's 40000 km per day! Towards the poles a little less. So lets say roughly 650 million kilometers over 46 years. So my personal travels are a mere rounding error.
Of course earth also moves around the Sun on it's 940 million km (on average) orbit. That means I have travelled a whopping 43,2 billion kilometers around the Sun.
While we are spinning around these "small" circles pur whole solar system is orbiting the galaxy. It takes hundreds of millions of years just to complete one full rotation and so far I've completed only about 1/5000000 of it, roughly 300 billion kilometers.
Finally, the galaxy itself is moving through space, at even greater speed ( around 600 km per second!). So that's another almost 900 billion kilometers on the meter for me. So in total, during my life so far I have roughly travelled 1,25 trillion kilometers.