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Corpus clock

One of the big inspirations for my new album was a clock designed by John C Taylor. When he visited his old college campus at Corpus Cristi in Cambridge he realized how little was changed over 40 years since his times studying there. This inspired him to create a clock that was nothing alike seen before.

The clock is a masterpiece both in art and clockmaking. It took 5 years to create it and used some unique technologies to craft. It even led to several new patents needed for it's marvelous engineering.

The clock itself is made of stainless steel and plated in gold. There are no hands in this clock. Instead three concentric rings of slits resembles hours, minutes and seconds, each slit opening at the given time revealing a blue led light behind it.

The mechanism of the clock is designed so that it will keep accurate time for at least 200 years. But it doesn't show the time accurately on the shorter note. There is built-in randomness in the mechanism that makes the clock slow down and speed up occasionally to show the relativity of time.

While the clock itself is already quite remarkable the most distinguish feature of the clock is the grasshopper figure above the clock. This chronophage moves along the clocks pendulum, making it look like it's eating the passing time.