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Just at the tip of my tongue

Tip of the tongue phenomenon (TOT) is a memory deficit where a person is certain they know the piece of information, answer, name etc. but just can't recall it at the moment. There are two main explanations for it: direct-access view and inferential view.

The former can happen when the memory of the information isn't strong enough itself, but there is still a memory signal that you have come across the information at some point. It just hasn't been actually committed to your memory. 

Being an adult

As you might know, my son just turned 18. Its an age when you get a lot of privileges: you are able to buy alcoholic beverages, you can vote and you can be admitted a driving license among other things. It's a big change in life. You are no longer considered as a child in the eyes of society. 

But it's not just all those privileges. It also comes with a lot of responsibilities. You are responsible of yourself and your actions. We are no longer the legal guardians for you. It's your duty to take care of yourself.
