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Routine variery

During the normal times it was good to have daily routines. There were still variety on the days whether it was a day of or a workday either at the office or remoting at home. Now, one of them has been taken away and the remaining ones have always been rather close to each other anyway. So it's no surprise the days are becoming a bit boring from the lack of variety.  In a way it's just like an endless vacation, except you still have to work.

The biggest change

One would have imagined working 100 percent of the time from the home would have been one of the biggest changes the lockdown would have brought. But for me it wasn't really anything new. I used to do that 2-3 days a week already earlier. So it was just more the same instead of something new.

Now, after a week from working from my new home office I have realized it was a lot bigger change. It was actually something new that requires a different routine. It's still fresh and I haven't completely used to it yet, but at least I already have some initial routines formed.

Too much working

I usually work longer days when remoting and balance those hours on office days. But that has become quite hard now that there are no office days. I have already accumulated several hours of overtime during the past two weeks. This week has also been exceptionally busy due a big project release preparations.
