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Why change?

I have been writing about change. I don't mean it like a complete change, something big, major. Becoming new.

I don't want to be a different person. There is nothing wrong with me, nothing I don't like. Mostly I like myself. Like being who I am. I don't need to change. Not in that way.

The change I want is more subtle, small changes that will make me better at who I am and living up to my true potential. That means removing blockers that are holding me back, preventing me from doing things I want. I also need to pay attention to those things I don't like. Stop doing them. The most important thing is to improve the things I like. Even if I'm good at them and happy I can always be better. And even if I'm bad at something shouldn't hold me back if I like it. Eventually I can become good at those too if I don't give up on them.

To change first you need to know what is worth changing for. You need to know yourself. Identify the things that make you who you are. Maybe there are things that are holding you back. And things you don't like. Finding yourself is the most important thing. First improvement. Only after that can you truly start the change. You can't change what you don't know.