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Speed of thought

One of the hardest part about writing is keeping up with my thoughts. I have a perfect sentence in my mind. I start writing it, typing as fast as I can. After a few words I need to stop and recall what was I suppose to write. But my mind is already three sentences ahead.

Messy handwriting is said to be a sign of high intelligence because geniuses don't have ti e to concentrate on good handwriting. They need to get thoughts out as fast as possible. But what use are those thoughts if nobody can read them? I appriciate more those who can actually control their mind, slow down and pay attention to the output.

It's the limitation of human communication. There is so much more in our thoughts than we can express with mere words. If there is plenty of time we can keep describing them with more detail, with more words. But often people don't have time to listen, or stamina to read long explanations.

It's the writer, the storyteller that needs to take the time. Slow down and think about the output instead of trying to capture the flow of consciousness. There is the famous quote attributed to many legendary writers: ”If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter”