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Useless information

I love reading and learning about obscure things. There are so many fascinating things I want to know more of. And so little time. 

In a way, studying those things is a complete waste of time. Where would I ever use such knowledge anyway? I would be much better off learning about some useful topics.

I do that as well already. Sure, could focus on only those useful things. But what's fun about that. There is enough room for both.

And I'm sure at least some of that information will come handy someday. If only I can remember it anymore at that time. It could come up with a casual conversation, or just on some trivia game. 

It's actually already useful. Or at least as useful as any other time waster for me. Its an entertainment. A way to pass time without worrying too much. And as such I think it is way above anything else.

Reading about such variety of topics will also broaden your view. You might get new ideas out of those. New combinations connecting the dots between seemingly unrelated matters. I can never remember everything I have read, but there is always the faint knowledge of knowing about those things. And in these modern days  I'm always able to pull up that knowledge whenever need it.