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Last week yet another of our cats got sick. Initial examinations showed expansion in his heart. Fatal condition that might be treatable for a while giving some extra time for him. With medication he's not that fond of taking.

However the vet we went didn't have the ultrasound equipment required to make more closer examinations so we had to book another appointment to a better equipped vet. And yesterday we went there, expecting the worst.

To our surprise it turned out everything was fine. The initial examination showed an unusually big heart for a house cat, but turns out, as he is rather big cat, that  it's still within normal boundaries for somebody of his size. There wasn't any signs of anomalies in his heart found on those follow-up examinations and the vet promised we could cut down the medication and see how it goes from there.

It was a huge relief. It would have been quite devastating losing yet another cat within such a short timespan. Sure, he begins to be quite old already. But few more years is always welcome. The only worrying finding now was that he's a bit overweight and we need to put him on a diet.

