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Weight of a banana

Banana for scale is one of the more popular internet memes. It got started when a guy posted a TV set for sale but didn't have the measurements for it, using a banana in the picture for scale instead.

Since then it has been used to measure countless things (including giant bananas) as well as some clever (judgement subjective) puns like using it as a means of trade to pay for an equipment mean for weighting things.

But now, we have a new measure we can use a banana for: worth of a modern art, or how much can you get people to pay for something useless. Like a banana taped to a wall using duct tape. 

Such "piece of art" actually sold for over a hundred thousand dollars recently. And it is said the artist had actually sold three of those so far. And if that's not crazy enough, there was another artist walking in to the gallery where this banana was on display and ate it. Luckily, the installation is easy to fix by replacing the consumed banana with a fresh one. Which would need to be done anyway every now and then. Hope they had another one in reserve for scale to get the correct sized one.

