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Design bananas

Bananas appear such a perfectly designed things with their great taste and nutrition values, or their handy packaging with a clever build in handle to open them. So perfect that in 2006 creationist Ray Comfort used them as an example of intelligent design, claiming that only a higher being could create such a perfect fruit for us humans to consume.

Well, turns out he was mostly right. The bananas we know today are indeed a product of an intelligent design. That is, the design by human beings. The wild bananas are nowhere as handy or tasty as the ones you can buy from the grocery stores around the world.

And about that intelligence. Even if we might have designed the modern banana by cultivating different varieties until we were happy, we still can't use them properly. That handy stem that feels like an obvious way to open this delicacy is actually wrong way to open it. Bananas are meant to be opened from the other end. Even the monkeys know that.

It doesn't require a godly intelligence to design new fruits. We have been doing it for centuries. But maybe we are too clever for our own good as we can't even properly use our own creations.
