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Figure todoing

We love patterns. We are really good at spotting them everywhere, even if there are no inherited order in all those things. We also consider symmetric things beautiful. 

From computational viewpoint that makes a lot of sense. Symmetry and patterns are more efficient to generate, process and store than less ordered data.  Maybe that's the reason our brains do find such things satisfying.

This love of order can also function as motivation sometimes. Working towards making something to follow a pattern can be satisfying. No matter what it would take to achieve it.

I keep track of my daily goals in an app that basically displays those tasks as a grid of check boxes. Over the days those check boxes either get filled or left blank. And as such, form different patterns. Often they are chaotic. There is no apparent order to be seen. 

But sometimes a pattern appears. Maybe not complete, but close. It's easy to look what's missing to make that pattern whole and just complete that task of the list.

Of course there are also times when completing a task might instead break the harmony. Unless, maybe it was just the breaking point for symmetry and now I just need to complete the other half.
