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Immersion of music

Right music  tunes in sync with your brain waves. It scratches you inner itch in a right way and sends shivers through your spine.

It can also speak to you in a deeper level. Touch your feelings, or make you think. Sometimes the words are just right on their own. They might be just words, but written in such a way they become something more.

Some songs bring up memories. Good moments from the past when that particular piece has been playing in the background. Other times it just captures your mood perfectly. 

There are so many kinds of different good music. Not every song captures all the good qualities. And they don't need to. Even one thing is enough to make a song worth listening. And there are different times and places for those different songs.

It's really rare for a song to have all, or even most of those qualities. Some of them even require some time and perhaps acquired taste to reach to that level. And sometimes it might not even sound like much at the first few listening. 

That's why I have been mostly listening to the Noise lately.
