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Uninteresting number

1173 is one those few numbers that don't have anything special about it. Despite how it looks, it's not even a prime number!

Extending further from mathematics there still doesn't seem to be much of anything interesting about it. There wasn't anything meaningful happening in that year (in any common calendar systems). Even Google mainly offers results where 1173 is just a page number among others.

Really an uninteresting number in every account. Which kinda makes it quite special. There isn't many numbers with so little meaning. Especially any number with four or fewer digits.

So there can't actually be an uninteresting number. Just the fact that the number doesn't have anything to make it interesting is interesting in itself. More generally, if there is a set of uninteresting numbers, which would make the lack of interesting properties not make a number interesting (as there are others alike) one of them would still be the smallest making it unique and therefore interesting. Of course this in itself is quite paradoxical as by becoming an interesting number would remove it from the set of uninteresting numbers and the second smallest (now smallest) number taking it's place making it onve again uninteresting.
