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Everything sandwich

Somehow, every time I make myself a sandwich an everything bagel comes to my mind. I didn't know exactly what it was so I finally had to look it up. Contrary to the name it doesn't actually contain everything. It doesn't even refer to fillings of a bagel. Instead it's just about the toppings, mostly a certain combination of them. But usually any multi-topping bagel can be an everything bagel. So it doesn't even have everything as a topping. 

I don't thing the everything bagel is a thing here in Finland. I haven't hear anyone to talk about it or haven't seen it in our bagel shops. Although I haven't been looking for it either. It's just something I have picked up from the popular culture so maybe it's s big thing in the US. 

My sandwiches however, they usually contain everything. At least everything (remotely) suitable as a filling for a sandwich. The bread itself ends up being just a nice wrapping for all those things I put on top / between it to make it easier to eat them.