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Not what I was expecting from public services

My daughter ordered some things from the US during the spring. After long wait they were finally delivered to Finland at the start of the June. Just had to clear customs and they would be here.

Incidentally finish customs agency had just renewed their online service. Obviously there were issues. Like the form not accepting a social id of a person born in the 21th century! So I wasn't able to make the declaration on behalf of my daughter (she couldn't do it herself as the service required bank id which she didn't have). Not only was I unable to finish the declaration but the whole process ended in some deadlock mode. So I couldn't even retry later when the social id form big was fixed.

It took almost until the second half of August when the issue was finally resolved and I was able to proceed with the declaration and pay the import fees. Of course this was already too late and the national post office was already sent the packed back to the sender at that point.

Fatter a full trip back and forth over the Atlantic the packet had once again arrived at the customs this week. Preparing for a long battle with collecting documents and evidence from all around to get it cleared again (I was not going to pay the fees again!) I carefully collected all the relevant information to an email, sent it to the customs office and was ready to forget it for at least until next week. Surely nothing would happen before that.

Shockingly, after only about half an hour later I received a reply to my email: all clear, the package is on delivery.