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Slow, but steady progress

My chin-up challenge hasn't been progressing as fast as I was anticipating when i started it. In fact it has actually been slowing down. It took me four months to reach 100 chin-ups. Since then, in the previous three months my count has gone up only by 25, the same amount I was doing in a month earlier.

One reason might be starting to go to the gym again. I feel like with all the gym exercising I get there is no need (or energy) to do that little additional workout. On the other hand, I found a device at the gym where you can load counterweights and help them lift you up for example when doing chin-ups. I sure could start counting those, 3 sets of ten once or twice a week would sure get me up to 1000 rather fast. It just feels like cheating. If I want to get that extra 20kg help I'd better lose that much weight instead. Even if the result would be the same.

Besides, I'm not in a hurry. I didn't define any deadline for my challenge, so I still have plenty of time - all that I need. 125 is still closer to 1000 than zero, I'm already 1/8 way through. Just need to do the same 7 more times.