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It's almost time to wake up

Our campaign through the weird and twisted dreamworld that is Etherfields is closing it's end. Today we were able to acquire the last key needed to unlock the final dream gate and (hopefully) our way back home.

It was only two months ago this huge box arrived to our doorsteps. Promising 50+ hours of gameplay I wasn't expecting us to stride all that content anytime soon. But here we are almost through it all. And it's not like we would have been rushing through the game either. There is a lot of optional content, sidequests to explore and secrets to unravel and we have tries to uncover it all. Despite, looking at the box for the remaining stuff it seems we have still missed quite a lot.

It has been a nice experience overall and it's a shame it is now coming to an end. Luckily there is already the next campaign game waiting on the shelf: Tainted Grail. I hope it will give us equally interesting couple of months (there is actually even more content on that one). If not, the second wave of Etherfields should ship sometime this year with three additional campaigns to dream through.