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Bubble cultures in fiction

No matter whether it's some faraway kingdom in a fantasy world or a distant planet in a space opera there is always an effort from the writer to make the inhabitants of those places feel distinctive. It's just that usually it's left there, just a single representation for a while kingdom or even a planet. They seem to only deserve that one telltale thing that everybody throughout the galaxy immediately recognizes. Even if the target society is multiracial!

Unless the protagonist have deep ties to those places, or some plot twist calls for some deeper investigation into the depths of those cultures we only learn about the average member of an average stature.

This always leaves me wonder what other ways of living such remote places could inhabit. What is outside the narrow view we are given. The world just outside the boundaries of the story that makes the world truly become alive. Maybe someday soon, when the text generation capabilities of neural networks are sophisticated enough we could feed them those stories and let them broaden the view outside the original narrow view. To allow us peek outside the pages into a complete world and see all those untold stories that didn't originally fit into those pages.