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The second awakening

(Well, 3rd actually as we did one during the first campaign). Warning: contains spoilers for the boardgame Etherfields!

We did it! We finally completed the second campaign of the core Etherfields box. After the pleasant surprise of realising there is more content left in the box it took us close to another two months to finish the remaining content. While it took more time to go through this second campaign there wasn't as much content on this one compared to the core campaign. It just took us s bit longer to finish it due to not having extra time like the Christmas holidays to speed us up. But there were still plenty of content and I would even say it was even more interesting than the first one. Especially the ending delivered actual challenge. Luckily we were well prepared at that point.

Now starts the long wait. There is additional content coming up, but due to the delays caused by the current global situation there is no word on the estimated delivery date yet. Better start with the next game in between rather than keep waiting. The table looks hopelessly empty without a game laid out on it.