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Chrome, the new explorer

Chrome has become the menace of the internet. Everybody who has worked in web technologies in the past decades remembers the challenges Microsoft's internet explorers notorious reputation.

Now that internet explorer is finally (almost) dead Chrome has quickly taken it's place making the web developer's life a nightmare. And it's not even the problems the developers face, they actually have a choice. They could just not care about the users of other browsers and just abide with all the chrome weirdness. But it's also the users who suffer. With explorer it used to be the poor security. Chrome, at least in some level claims to be more secure. But on the other hand it throws the privacy out of the window.

As users we have only poor choices. We can either choose s browser that is secure and respects our privacy (like Firefox or Brave) but accept that almost every other site is broken in some level and some sites just don't work at all. Or we can use the browser that the web is mostly built for sacrificing our privacy and accepting the whims of the browser developers randomly dropping or changing completely fine features.