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Writing tired

I went to sleep at around two o'clock last night. After a long day and more than a few beer it didn't take long to fall a sleep even in a strange place while others were still continuing the party. Of course, my body doesn't care when I go to sleep and I woke up around seven in the morning.

All the drinking, heat and physical activity yesterday also took the toll, so I'm been pretty tired (no hangover!) the whole day. Yet, I still need to write.

It feels like these times when I'm most tired are the hardest to write. But it's not really the writing that gets hard. I just keep telling to myself that I'm too tired to write. This leads to procrastination, which obviously will just make me more tired. Coming up the topic is other hard part. It's the one that I think requires most creativity. After you have the topic it's rather easy to just start writing about it.

While tired all the topics feel too important to write without too much focus. But that shouldn't matter. Even if it would end up being a bad post about a good topic I can always write about the same topic again with better focus. Besides, iteration makes everything better.