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Latest hotness

There is always the one hottest social media app/service, but the services just come and go. Even of something seems to ride the wave now it can be gone and forgotten tomorrow. The old giants still remain, but even their share is declining when the influencers move across the new platforms and the masses follow. The cycles are just getting shorter.

The latest hotness appears to be an all called BeReal. It's not exactly a new app as it has been around since 2020 already. It just recently did a breakthrough and seems to be popping up everywhere all of the sudden.

The catch with the BeReal is that it gives the user a two minute window per day a transom time to take picture of themselves and what's around them. The idea sounds nice: not give the user the time to prepare, relating in real "in the moment" pictures instead of all those carefully setup scenes that you see on other platforms.

Of course there is a flipside to this kind of activity as well. Conditioning the users to take photos at command opens up some interesting new opportunities to the surveillance states.