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Playful history lesson

Playing role playing games is a great opportunity to learn. Practically it doesn't matter which genre you play, there is always something to learn. Playing a lot of fantasy games for example has taught me the imperial units pretty well.

My latest lesson was yesterday when we once again gathered to play a Cthulhu horror game set in the year 1923. There were many details that we collectively knew about the era and could share with each other. But there were also things none of us knew.

Some of the more important ones we had to figure out right away. We didn't want to make any mistakes for example using technology that wasn't invented yet. Of course you don't have to be that pedantic, it's just a game after sll. But we like to keep it as close to the real history as possible (barring the ancient tentacle horrors).

Balancing the correctness and keeping the game still moving some less important details can still be skipped. Those which don't affect the outcome that much. But of course they rouse the curiosity. After the game session is over there is plenty of time to dig into those details and share them with others at the beginning of our next session (at the latest).