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Why write?

Of course I'm not stopping writing. Technically it would be possible. Everything I wrote yesterday about how to do it is possible and I could do it. Int he marrer of fact I did that already several years ago when the GPT-2 was released. Even if it wasn't as good as the new chatGPT a.k.a. GPT-3.5 back then the finetuned model could generate rather good results.

I could do that, yes, if I only wanted to create content. But that's not why I write. Writing for me is more about the thought process. Learning to put my thoughts into words has been the most valuable lesson I've learned from regular writing.

No software can replace that. There is always value doing things by yourself. Leaving the creative process to the machine kinda defeats the purpose. Even if the machine could do better job on that.

Of course there is a place for machine generated content as well. It can also be a great help as an assistive technology. For example even if I don't want to replace my writing with machine I do enjoy the assistance it gives to fix my clumsy wording and misspellings.