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Time flies relatively

Today we are having a farewell party for our temporary local hr person at our company in Finland. It's amazing how somebody can become such an integral part of the company in such a short time.

It feels sad to see him leave even though it was known from the beginning that he would be with us only for a set amount of time during our "own" hr lady during her maternity leave. The little over a year went so fast but it feels like he has been with us much longer.

At the same time there are people who have been years with the company and feels like they just started. And then there are people who have been in the company for few years and feels like they have been there forever.

Having been there for over a decade myself I start losing the concept of time. It probably has a lot to do with how much I interact with those people, not with the years they have been my colleagues. Even if somebody has been working for us for years if I don't regularly interact with them it feels much shorter time than with somebody I work on a more regular basis.