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Reboot the book

For years bow I have mainly read books on my Kindle. It has been working well, both technically and from the usability anf convenience point of view. I don't remember having any technical issues with it. I think I haven't even had to reboot it save the few times there has been a system upgrade that has required it.

Last evening I was about to read like I do every night before going to sleep. But the "book" just refused to open. The funny thing with e-ink screens is that it can display the last view on the screen even without the power. So it took me a while to come to the conclusion that my Kindle's battery was depleted.

So I plugged it to a charger and just went to sleep, no reading this time. Today I checked the status and struggled for a while because I didn't remember how to turn that thing on, I've only done it once before, when I first got it... or was it on already then, ready to be used out of the box. I had a brief moment of terror when the usual procedures didn't work and the device remained dead. After a few tries with different methods I was finally able yo wake it up.