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Unfinished tales

Having something ro watch is not a problem with all the streaming services having abundance of content available. There is also nee content produced all the time. The problem is more about deciding what to watch.

I don't watch that much TV so there is plenty of shows and movies to watch. I have a long list of those on my watchlist as long as I can decide what to watch next. One generic thing are some of the list of movie series that haven't been quite in the must see territory, but something I would still like to see.

The problem is, with many of them they have been going on for years, even decades. Some of them even have had a reboot or two happening. I know I have seen some of those movies, but am not sure which ones anymore. Maybe a first few or so, or just a random one from the middle.

An independent movie is easier in that sense that I don't have to worry whether I have seen the previous ones, but a decent series is easier to pick as I know what I'm getting myself into. Of course when there has been so long since I've seen the previous movie(s) in the series I might not even remember what happened in those or who are all these characters.

Many of those movies also stand on their own, so it's not that important to remember or having seen the earlier ones. It's just that I'm a bit of a completionist and really want to make sure I have seen them all.