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Not writing for a long time

Yesterday was one of those rare occasions when I wrote my daily post in the morning. While on the trip I predicted there might not be time to write later in the day and in the evening there might be a couple of drinks (there was). So to play it safe I decided to get it out of the way early in the morning while sitting on a train.

It was a long day with all the travelling, meeting people and then hanging out with my colleagues in the evening. Today wasn't much easier even though I was back home already at a reasonable time, but tgis still felt like a long day.

Normally, it would be just a bit off having such a bit longer break between writing. This time these roughly 36 hours however felt much longer. It actually feels like there has been days since I last wrote. I was beginning to doubt I had missed a day. But no, it's still only those 36 hours between this and the previous one.

Time is relative.