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A.I. assistants

LLMs have been transforming many things how I both consume and produce content. While I still do enjoy writing these posts manually many things that I write at work are at least partially written by the help of A.I. tools. I also don't bother skimming through articles when I can just feed them to the A.I. and let it produce a summary for me. What's even better is that I can ask follow-up questions if the summary doesn't give the answer I was looking for or I need to dig deeper into the topic.

It's easy to use these tools for your own data as long as you remember bot to give them any too personal or confidential information. It's a different thing when you are looking into a tool that you would like to adapt to your whole organization.

Even with all the safeguards in place and access control implemented there is always the possibility that something sensitive might leak out of bounds. There is also the natural suspicion of people about what the data they enter might be used for. It's also harder to control what people are using those tools for. They might unknowingly do something that might cause trouble.