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I hate (this kind of) Mondays

People often hate Mondays. It's the first day of week. Back to work after refreshing weekend, the full workweek ahead. I like my job and am often even looking forward for a new week. Today wasn't one of those mondays.

I checked my calendar yesterday evening and sow an uninterrupted streak of meetings. There were 11 meetings total with just a small lunch break in the middle of them! I know my work nowadays is mostly sitting in meetings, but even for that this was a bit too much. Must be a record of meetings per day.

Luckily I was able to reschedule two of those to give me at least small breaks between all those meetings. I've had days filled with meetings before, but usually those days consist only a few, longer meetings. In longer meetings there are usually breaks during the meetings so it's not that bad.

With so many shorter meetings another tiring factor is jumping from topic to another. It's hard to stay focused when you don't have proper time to prepare before the meeting and no time to process what came out of the meeting before jumping to the next one.