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Let's fly

A bad Star Trek show is still better than a good Star Wars show. At least in my opinion, and my youngest one seems to agree.

We finally got to watching Ahsoka, the latest Star Wars show available for streaming. It has goten a lot of praises and has been on our watch list for a long time. There just was always something else to watch. We only got two episodes in when the news arrived that the latest season of Star Trek Discovery had finally become available here as well. Even though it's regarded as one of the worst Star Trek shows we were really looking forward watching it. So it didn't take long for us to decide that Ahsoka can wait a while longer while we first watch the Discovery.

I'm not usually the kind of person that likes to polarize things. I think both franchises are fine on their own way and I still enjoy watching them both. I know there are people that think the opposite. So e even ready to argue why their favourite is the best. I don't care if somebody likes the other one more and refuses to touch the other.