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Verified artist

I was only joking when I first suggested putting my own music up to Spotify for easier listening. But the idea stuck and I had to at least find out what would it take to get my music there.

The first result wasn't encouraging. Spotify has nice instructions for artists on how to get their music on their service. The first thing on the list was basically: have a distributor, we only accept music from qualified distributors.

I didn't give up on my quest just yet even though finding a distributor foe something I had created sounded like an impossible task. After a quick googling (well kagi'ing actually as I don't use Google search anymore) I find several recommendations for this service that could help you getting your music to Spotify and many other music streaming services easily, a kind of "distributor as a service".

It didn't yake me long to sign up to the service and create my artist profile. Soon I was already uploading my first song there. The service also took care of creating my artist profile on Spotify.

I was till in doubt whether my music would be accepted even though this distributor, or at least assumed it would take weeks before approval and other related processes before seeing my music listed. But it took only a few days!

So I'm now an actual verified artist on Spotify with 8 singles released there! I still don't consider myself as a real artist though. I just did it for my own convenience.