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Light upgrade

Another home convenience upgrade I have done recently was finally bringing my living room/dining area lights part of my smart home system. I originally installed the lights directly to the remote control partly due my philosophy of keeping all my smart things as dump as possible and part because they were one of the first smart devices I got and didn't have the control hub yet.

Controlling the lights only by remote worked well and there wouldn't have been that dire need to bring them as part of the centralized system, but there are two places where I want to control them from. I originally installed the remote in between these spaces so it would be reachable from both sides. While it worked ok it was still a bit cumbersome to reach it from either side.

My original idea was just to get another light controller, a simple on/off switch for them for the other location, but the lights only support one direct controller connection at the time. To be able to connect multiple controllers they needed to be connected to a smart hub.

A side benefit of them now being connected to the hub is that I can now also control them from my phone. That would actually make the remote mostly useless, but as I like to keep my smart appliances only connected to an isolated wifi network that would mean I would need to switch my phone to that network every time I want to control the lights.